Ask Away!!

I have just passed 7,000 views on my blog!

Thank you all for viewing and commenting on my posts.

I consider this as part of the larger conversation about what it means to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all, what it means to be a Christian today, and how to be a living disciple today. I am not a trained theologian or pastor, though I hope to attend seminary one day. I am just one person, if my thoughts and reflections help you that’s good. If not discard them and go on your way, if you want to talk about your journey and add to the conversation that’s even better.

That’s why I writing this today. To ask if any of you have any questions or topics you would like me to wrestle with. I will give a response to everything you ask, but I know that I may not be able to answer everything in a way that will satisfy everyone. I will respond to all your questions, suggestions, and comments.

Have a good day and keep reading.

Thank you again.

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